

Originally uploaded by jayfherron

Today is Thanksgiving Day.
I’m not going to be a guest at any dinners today. I’m rather glad that no invites have come my way. This is my only favorite of the holiday seasons. But today I need to sit alone and reflect.

I do not understand why things are. I cannot explain the goodness and the troubles. I just know that I have recieved so much good in the past year.

My sons built a roof over my mobile home. My bedroom was becoming an over flow from the leaking roof,but the new roof keeps the place dry. It was becoming worse and worse and now I enjoy standing out in the back watching the rain roll off of it.

I remember years ago when we first settled here. The only roof we had was a blue and yellow canvastarp. I remember when it would rain you had to scrunch up into a huddle to keep from being dampened-regardless of the tarp. I remember how the scent of my little boys sweaty heads would push its odor up my nose. I wish one of those moments were now.

Another blessing of this year-my sons gift of a new water well. Too many years have seen me struggle to keep the old one alive,the motors bearings had to have been almost square from the machine running all the time. The electric company has noticed a dramatic drop in my bill.

I like the way things come. Little hidden paths we never wondered down yet when we do,sometimes,we find these treasures. The wood stove in my photograph is one such treasure. I found it in an antique shop-but it is far from being an antique. It has taken me years to find the kind of deal this stove was it was an excellent deal…and brand new too.

I used to wake up early in the wee hours of the morning. I had to hike 7 miles to my nearest town to hitch-hike a ride to the city. There in the city I worked all day and did the same routine on my return home-there I’d eat a meal and pass out asleep waiting to do it again the next day. Along those walks I would pray that my sons would never have to live the way were then-that their lives would be better than the way it was now. I also prayed that I would never forget to respect that I lived like this. I never want to forget the times we sat under that tarp and fretted getting wet by the rain. I always want to remember that I built my home with lumber and  goods that I hitch-hiked home with. And above all-I want to be always thankful that my prayers were answered about my sons. Their lives are much better than what they had as boys.

The wood stove represents an item that has been many years on my wish list. I found one once at a flea market-but in my extreme hurried nature when dealing with others, I failed to notice the split in the bottom. I’m glad I only paid 30 dollars for it. The stove I found recently-it is brand new.

The roof and the water well and the stove are all things we can take for granted. Some might look at my roof as a pathetic attempt at carpentry-there has been better construction,but this was built by two young men who have never built any thing more than a tree house. It is better than that which many others do not have. And the well. How blessed it is to be able to turn a knob and out comes water. Soon the wood stove will be set up to heat. The Florida winters call for such a unit-it is cold enough now that I wish the thing to be working,but I need a few more dollars yet to buy the flue.

Two weeks ago I received news that I have won my case regarding my rape while in military service. I’m told  things will be different. It is a odd place that I am in. I feel different-and I am thankful for the portion of freedom the knowledge gives me that I may be taken care of in my older years. I also feel a strange sense in how I feel because there are others that should be receiving this kind of freedom too. Some have suggested that I tear this old place down and have a new one put in place. I’m not sure if I can do that. There is too much history here.

Today I am going to spend the day fasting and in prayer. I need to meditate on all that is happening-and all that has happened. This day is one that makes sense-to be thankful.


One Response to “progress…”

  1. Sous Gal Says:

    You’ve been fighting a battle for yourself and others. Now is a great time to sit and reflect and ponder. You’ve worked hard. Enjoy the moments of peace, for now. In the future I think you will be called upon again, still, to speak. I think of you often, wish I could visit, still plan on it, work dictates 🙂

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